Research shows that knowing and using your character strengths can help you: increase happiness and well-being; find meaning and purpose; boost relationships; manage stress and health and accomplish goals.
Firstly, let’s identify your Character Strengths?
Find somewhere you can be uninterrupted for 15 minutes.
Complete the VIA Character Strengths Survey. This is the only FREE, scientific survey of character strengths in the world.
Once you’ve identified your TOP 5 character strengths feel free to share them with colleagues, friends and family, and get them to do the survey as well. This will make for some fun discoveries!
This is a diagram of the 24 character strengths below.

What are the benefits of using your character strengths?
Consciously being able to utilise your character strengths more often will empower you with greater energy and life satisfaction levels.
Firstly, we suggest that you focus on 3 of your Top 5 character strengths. Effectively using them more often, will help you to enjoy the following benefits:
…be more mindful; increase self-awareness & self-esteem; manage your physical health & energy levels; create new life meaning; stress management; more skilful parenting; higher levels of resilience; develop gratitude; more personal insights; enhanced, respectful relationships; develop professionally; foster leadership skills in yourself and others; and enjoy a respectful life.
More on how to…visit the ‘Want to learn more? section at the end of this article to learn loads more about ‘how to’ effectively utilising your strengths.
What are you?
The 24 character strengths make up these 6 virtues
Where do your strengths lie?
Wisdom & Knowledge – Creativity/Curiosity/Love of Learning/Perspective
Courage – Bravery/Persistence/Integrity/Vitality
Humanity – Love/Kindness/Social Intelligence
Justice – Citizenship/Fairness/Leadership
Temperance – Forgiveness & Mercy/Humility & Modesty/Prudence/Self-regulation
Transcendence – Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence/Gratitude/Hope/Humour/Spirituality
To explore these Virtues and Character Strength definitions more CLICK HERE.
Example of utilising these strengths
Love of learning: if you’re feeling fatigued during the day, take time out to read a book, visit a gallery, listen to a podcast or anything else where your learning something of interest.
Appreciation of beauty: If you’re stuck inside the office and your productivity has dipped, get out of the office and take a walk in nature (maybe a city garden or along a river or beach).
Bravery: If you find yourself becoming too comfortable in your workplace, go out of your way to introduce yourself to colleagues that you don’t know. Set yourself a lofty goal to achieve perhaps.
*Plan in how you can embed activities into your work day, or weekend, so you can enjoy the many benefits of utilising your top strengths.

Want to learn more?
How VIA Signature Strengths can Enhance Your Life
Character Strengths – Your Personal Virtues
Character Strengths – 7 Powerful Outcomes
The Optimistic Child by Dr Martin Seligman (2011)
VIA Institute on Character – Article library
VIA Institute on Character – What the Research Says About Character Strengths
Achieve Your Potential with Positive Psychology by Tim Lebon (2014)
Flourish by Dr Martin Seligman (2011)
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